Dr. Marshall is Chancellor Emeritus of the North Orange County Community College District and has worked for over 30 years in higher education in a variety of progressively responsible leadership roles. A well-rounded educator, Dr. Marshall has taught undergraduate and graduate courses and never lost her passion for teaching or her dedication to serving the whole student. Many of her positions have allowed her to fulfill her professional mission of developing people and organizations, a desire that blossomed in her early career as an organization development professional and adjunct faculty member.
A woman of vision, Dr. Marshall has succeeded in championing organizational change during her senior management roles. While at Crafton Hills College, Dr. Marshall successfully guided the accreditation process to move the college from probation to full status in two years and maintained full accreditation through the next visit. At NOCCCD, she helped build capacity for evidence-based decision making, established District-wide professional development including a Leadership Academy and Management Development Program, established the North Orange Promise Program and led the development of the most recent Educational and Facilities Master Plan.
Highly sought after for her leadership experience, Dr. Marshall served on numerous executive committees at the local, regional, and state level. She represented Orange County on the Community College CEO Task Force and addressed changes to the funding formula. She was on the CEO Accreditation Task Force and was elected as the Vice President of the Chief Executive Officers Board of the California Community Colleges while serving as the Inland Empire’s Regional Representative.
Dr. Marshall earned her Doctor of Education from USC and her Master of Arts in industrial/organizational psychology from California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). In 2013, Dr. Marshall was inducted into CSUSB’s College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Hall of Fame.