Available to provide virtual trainings on parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order.
Connie M. Deford is a Professional Registered Parliamentarian (PRP) through the National Association of Parliamentarians. She was first certified in 1989, with recertification requirements met each six years since. She has served as the ACCT Parliamentarian for more than ten years.
Connie has served as president of many parliamentary organizations, including the Michigan Unit of Registered Parliamentarians, the Michigan State Association of Parliamentarians, and the National Association of Parliamentarians Foundation. She served on the National Association of Parliamentarians Board of Directors for 14 years and was responsible for developing educational material. The last two years of board service were as the organization’s president.
She is the retired Municipal Clerk of Bay City, Michigan. During her tenure, she served as president of the Bay County Clerks Association and the Michigan Municipal Clerks Association. She was awarded the Michigan City Clerk of the Year Award, International Institute of Municipal Clerks Quill Award, Honorary Doctor of Letters from Great Lakes College, and the Liberty Bell Award from the Bay County Bar Association. Because of her local government background, she frequently consults with local municipalities and with both elected and appointed officials to improve public meeting management.
Connie serves as parliamentarian for state, national, and international organizations. She is a bylaw specialist, convention consultant, meeting facilitator, and seminar presenter. Recently, she provided webinars for ACCT with a focus on chairman responsibilities, committee process, and membership procedures.
Connie is available to provide virtual trainings on parliamentary procedure and Robert’s Rules of Order.